The energy of revolutionary transformation is back, freshly stimulated by a Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square lasting over two months! The first half of November also features a super-close Taurus Full SuperMoon and 16 Sun, Mercury and Venus events!
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11/1 (Tue)
Your passion for getting to the bottom of things and speaking the unvarnished truth can be inspired by a Mercury-Mars quintile (12°12′ Scorpio-24°12′ Capricorn).
Pick your flow – divine or creative – and relax into it with the Sun trine Neptune (9°20′ Scorpio-Pisces). This aspect also smoothly supports sacred sexuality and opening to spiritual transformation.
11/2 (Wed)
No major astrology events.
11/3 (Thu)
T-square Begins: Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto
A powerhouse Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square begins today! I originally showed this aspect pattern starting on 11/12, and have left the forecast on that date to avoid confusion.
In The Work of Byron Katie, when having a challenging thought, you’re encouraged to ask yourself: is this true? If you answer yes, the next question is: can you be absolutely sure it’s true?
These are good questions to keep in mind with Mercury sextile Pluto (15°16′ Scorpio-Capricorn). Remember that some of the things you believe to be true may turn out to be false. And things that are true at one level of consciousness may be false, or put into an entirely new perspective, at another!
11/4 (Fri)
Many a relationship has been triggered with Venus square Chiron (20°59′ Sagittarius-Pisces). If you and your beloved have a challenge come up, can you cooperate in seeking a harmonious win/win solution? And can you look inside to see what old wounds need to be healed within yourself? (My Healing Invocation might help you.)
11/5 (Sat)
Like a rainbow emerging from a storm, today’s Venus-Uranus trine (21°41′ Sagittarius-Aries) follows yesterday’s Venus-Chiron square. If a relationship got challenged yesterday, the inspiration on how to harmonize it can flow to you today. This energy also supports abundant creative expression and expansive financial opportunities.
11/6 (Sun)
You can more easily embody the mind of the healer and mentor with Mercury trine Chiron (20°56′ Scorpio-Pisces). This is also a good time to receive counseling, especially on personal transformation and financial abundance.
Courtesy notice: the USA shifts to Standard Time at 2 AM. Fall back!
11/7 (Mon)
This month’s theme of questioning your sacred cows is fired up once again with Mercury quincunx Uranus (21°36′ Scorpio-Aries). Your thinking can reach new depths and leap to the next level … all at the same time … if you leave enough quiet space for your intuitive flashes to strike!
Personal transformation is smoothly energized with the Sun sextile Pluto (15°21′ Scorpio-Capricorn). This aspect also supports sacred sexuality and Energizer Bunny productivity.
The universe is sprinkling relationship fairy dust with Venus quintile Jupiter (24°31′ Sagittarius-12°31′ Libra). Can you and your sweetie take some special time to hang out and see where inspiration leads you? This aspect is also awesome for creative inspiration!
11/8 (Tue)
There are no major astrology events on the USA’s Election Day. Cast your vote anyway!
11/9 (Wed)
Mars transits Aquarius today through 12/19. This can energize you to boldly express your true individuality to the world, take immediate action on your intuitive flashes, and more proactively serve others in the ways that most delight you. You can also be more experimental in your sex life.
Abundant creative inspiration is available with Venus quintile Neptune (27°16′ Sagittarius – 9°16’Pisces). This aspect can also bring an inspired flow to relationships and new ideas on how to make money.
11/10 (Thu)
No major astrology events.
11/11 (Fri)
Enough of thinking about all those changes you want to make. A Sun-Mars quintile (20°0′ Scorpio-2°0′ Aquarius) can inspire you to actually make them! This fiery energy also supports athletics, sexuality, leadership and striving for a worthy cause.
Venus transits Capricorn today through 12/7. This supports taking a realistic look at your relationships. Are you getting a worthwhile return on your investment of time and energy? Is this person helping you achieve your goals? Capricornian Venus also supports artistic and financial productivity.
11/12 (Sat)
T-square Begins: Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto
Revised 11/29/16 to reflect mundane orbs.
We only have one aspect pattern in the first half of November, but it’s a doozy! A powerhouse Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square begins today. It’s one of the strongest astrological events of both 2016 and 2017!
In my original version of this post, I wrote that this T-square starts on 11/12, peaks on 12/11, and ends on 1/16. But now that I’ve switched to using larger orbs for mundane aspects (10° for the conjunction and square), I show it starting on 11/3, peaking twice on 12/11 and 3/17, and ending on 5/1. That triples the original duration I gave, from roughly two months to six!
At the most basic level, Jupiter will be rekindling the power of the waning Uranus-Pluto square. This amplifies the power of revolutionary transformation. Pluto in Capricorn can take a wrecking ball to old structures that have outlived their usefulness, while supporting new structures whose time has come. Pluto normally takes its time, but Uranus in Aries has no patience. It wants those changes yesterday!
[This paragraph and the next one revised 11/11/16.] A prime example of these energies at play is Donald Trump unexpectedly being elected the next President of the United States. With Republicans also controlling the House and Senate, this radically upsets the status quo established by the Obama administration. This appears likely to trigger extreme change not just in the United States but throughout the world.
This T-square is also fueling political chaos in the Middle East, the massive global refugee crisis, and increasingly extreme weather events fueled by climate change. On a more harmonious note, we now have amazingly helpful and intelligent mobile devices, an abundance of high-quality entertainment, and a rising tide of spiritual awakening sweeping the planet. Uranus-Pluto aspects bring out the extremes on both sides!
Personal Effects
On a personal level, this square can fuel the acceleration of your own life-affirming changes in all areas. Are you ready to be the real you, even if doing so disappoints others? Do you have the courage to follow your intuitive flashes, even if they lead you in scary or unexpected directions? Can you tolerate the extreme pleasure you would experience by serving others with your greatest gifts that you most love to use?
Those were Uranian possibilities. Pluto asks that you release everything that doesn’t serve you, whether physical, relational or conceptual, and that you transform like a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly. The more you’re willing to offer yourself as an intuitively guided instrument of divine service, the more powerful you’ll become under the influence of this T-square!
Let’s look at this T-square’s personal effects from the other direction. The influence of Uranus and Pluto on Jupiter can catalyze a quantum leap in how you relate to religion, philosophy and the meaning of your life. You could connect with a life-transforming teacher, or catalyze the growth of others by sharing your wisdom. And transformative experiences await you if you travel to foreign countries or expose yourself to the influence of other cultures.
Jupiter is in Libra, the sign of relationship and creativity. How can you take these to the next level in your life? And all three planets are in cardinal signs, which support new beginnings.
The winds of transformation are billowing your sails through 5/1. What ports of call are you choosing?
It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over!
The Uranus-Pluto square peaked 2012 through 2015, with seven exact squares. But even as the square wanes, it will be powerful enough to keep the energy of revolutionary transformation cooking through the end of the decade!
The prior major Uranus-Pluto event was their conjunction, which was exact five times 1964-66. But the most revolutionary year of the 60’s was 1968.
History suggests that exact alignments often plant seeds, which then blossom in the years immediately following. In the same way, even with the Uranus-Pluto square waning, its most powerful effects may be yet to come. In a world which so needs positive change, I consider this very hopeful news!
The Uranus-Pluto square also invites you to examine your own role in this epic unfolding drama. Will you be watching from the sidelines? Or will you step up to do whatever you can … small or large … to create positive change in your life and in the world?
How Strongly is This T-square Affecting Your Chart?
The Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square peaks on 12/11 with Jupiter between 18° and 19° Libra. This means that sensitive points in your natal chart between 15° and 22° in any of the cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn — will be most strongly affected.
Mercury transits Sagittarius today (11/12) through 12/1. Take advantage of this expanded mental energy to ramp up your learning and communication. It’s also a great time to dive more deeply into philosophy, religion and foreign studies.
Healing and shadow work can flow more easily thanks to a Sun-Chiron trine (20°49′ Scorpio-Pisces). This aspect also supports mentoring, shamanism and awakening practices.
11/13 (Sun)
What needs adjusting in your life as the Sun quincunxes Uranus (21°23′ Scorpio-Aries)? This aspect will support the change if you’ll get it started!
11/14 (Mon)
Super-Close Taurus Full Supermoon
A Full Supermoon illuminates the sky at 8:52 AM EST (22°37′ Taurus). Not only will this be the closest Supermoon of the century to date, but there won’t be another Supermoon this close to Earth until 2034! Supermoons don’t just swell the tides, but also increase a lunation’s astrological power.
Like any Taurus Full Moon, this lunation supports release or adjustment that relates to your money, personal possessions and self-image. Does some of your stuff need to be sold, donated or discarded? Would it serve you to reconsider your spending habits? Would some counseling or shadow work help boost your self-esteem?
Are there areas in life where you’re digging in your heels? If so, are you stubbornly resisting change for no good reason? Or have you really thought through the situation and determined that maintaining the status quo is best?
Finally, examine whether you’re spending enough time in nature, and getting the full measure of life-enriching pleasure from your five senses.
This Full Moon’s strongest aspect is a tight T-square between the Moon, Sun and Pallas Athena. Are you mustering enough feminine assertiveness in your life? Would it help to strategize important moves more thoroughly before you act?
A tight sextile from Chiron adds significant healing power. Is it time to step more fully into your own healing or mentoring abilities, or seek such assistance from someone else?
The Moon also receives a tight semi-sextile from Uranus and a loose trine from Pluto. These add a subtle flavor of revolutionary transformation to this Full Moon. (For more on Uranus-Pluto effects, see my 11/12 forecast.) The Pluto trine and a Ceres semi-sextile augment the Taurean potential for financial enhancement.
Sabian Symbol
This lunation’s Sabian Symbol is, “A jewelry shop filled with the most magnficent jewels.” These jewels were taken from their rough natural state and carefully crafted to maximize their beauty.
Are you doing the same with yourself? Are you focusing more on external attractiveness, or are you cultivating the more radiant and lasting beauty that shines forth when you cultivate your inner light?
Each time I facilitate a person’s awakening with my Heal and Awaken Invocations, the physical attractiveness of their face immediately and dramatically increases. Embodied awakening is the best beauty treatment I know!
Most people admire jewels for their beauty, but not everyone tunes into their energetic power. I recently placed rough pieces of celestite, rose quartz, selenite and amethyst throughout my home. These high-vibration stones created an incredible upgrade in the ambient energy! Stones and crystals also serve as powerful allies in my shamanic healing work.
Would it serve you to work more closely with crystals? If you’re a newbie, two great starter books are The Pocket Book of Stones by Robert Simmons and The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall
11/15 (Tue)
Take advantage of the abundant mental stimulation provided by a Mercury-Mars sextile (4°46′ Sagittarius-Aquarius). Be careful not to talk too much – this aspect can get some people chattering away a mile a minute. But do communicate with enthusiasm!
Void-of-Course Moons
It’s best to avoid starting important new projects or making major purchases during void-of-course Moons. “Business as usual” is the optimal strategy. Void-of-course Moons occur when the Moon has made her last major Ptolemaic aspect, but has not yet moved into her next sign.
10/31, 10:44 pm – 11/1 10:43 am, Sagittarius
11/3, 6:35 am – 11:05 pm, Capricorn
11/6, 5:00 am – 8:55 am, Aquarius
11/8, 8:59 am – 8 4:46 pm, Pisces
11/10, 6:16 pm – 8:45 pm, Aries
11/12, 7:45 am – 9:24 pm, Taurus
11/14, 8:52 am – 8:23 pm, Gemini
Whatever your Sun Sign, AstroShaman’s forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least several days before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart.
Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me. Learn more about my Astrology+ sessions.
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