A potent Aries New Moon, which powerfully echoes January’s solar eclipse, headlines the first half of April. We also have Jupiter turning retrograde, Juno aspects highlighting committed partnership, and Venus aspecting four slower planets in six days. We also have four new aspect patterns – all starting on the same day! Read more…
Jupiter retrograde
July 1-15 2018 Astrology Forecast: Plutonian Solar Eclipse
The first of three summer eclipses radiates its life-transforming energy during the first half of July. This Cancer Solar Eclipse features a tight Pluto opposition that can potently catalyze releasing, wealth and power! We also have Jupiter turning direct, Chiron turning retrograde, a “Pseudo-Grand Cross” and several other powerful aspect patterns. Very juicy! Read more…
March 1-15 2018 Astrology Forecast: Triple Conjunction Supports Relationship Healing
A rare triple conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Chiron supports relationship healing in the first half of March. We also have Jupiter turning retrograde, a service-oriented Virgo Full Moon, and more! Read more…
February 1-15 2017 Astrology Forecast: Leo Lunar Eclipse
A Leo lunar eclipse, which features a rare Envelope aspect pattern supporting harmonious revolution, highlights the first half of February. We also have Mars adding its fire to 2017’s most powerful Grand Cross, Jupiter turning retrograde, a tricky Neptune-Pallas conjunction, and more! Read more…
January 1-15 2016 Astrology Forecast: Mercury Retrograde & New Moon in Capricorn
Mercury retrograde and a New Moon – both focused in Capricorn – highlight the first half of January. The Uranus-Pluto square’s energy of revolutionary transformation is revitalized by the New Moon. And a Venus-Jupiter-Chiron T-square opens the door to relationship healing. Plus many more high-side astrological opportunities! Read more…
Uranus-Pluto Square #6: December 1-15 Astrology Forecast
The penultimate Uranus-Pluto square — #6 of 7 — invites you to embrace revolutionary transformation. Other “skylights” include a Gemini Full Moon, an unsettling Saturn-Uranus quincunx, and the peaking of two intimately related Grand Trines. Read more…