2024’s most potent eclipse and a peaking “gods of change” Mini Grand Trine highlight the second half of September. We also have a heavily aspected Fall Equinox chart, a magical Saturn-Uranus quintile, and much more!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As of September 16 …
The Moon is waxing (there was a Virgo New Moon on 9/2).
Pluto is retrograde thru 10/11.
Saturn is retrograde thru 11/15.
Neptune is retrograde thru 12/7.
Chiron is retrograde thru 12/29.
Uranus is retrograde thru 1/30.
A Sun-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square continues thru 9/17.
A Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square continues thru 9/23.
A Venus-Chiron-Pluto T-Square continues thru 9/24.
A Sun-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Kite continues thru 9/29.
A Pallas-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Cradle continues thru 9/30.
9/16 (Mon) & 9/17 (Tue)
Venus is involved in two events on 9/16 and 9/17.
Venus opposite Chiron
Venus’ opposition to Chiron on 9/16 (22°25′ Libra-Aries) is part of a T-Square that also includes Pluto. Click here to understand this aspect pattern in that larger context.
Venus-Focused “Finger of God” Begins
Venus has three core meanings: relationship, creativity, and money. You can focus on any or all during an eight-day “Finger of God” (Yod) that starts today on 9/17, peaks on 9/21, and ends on 9/24.
Venus, dignified in Libra, is this Yod’s focal point. The transpersonal power of Uranus and Neptune hold down this aspect pattern’s back end.
Uranus can flash down intuitive hits to guide you, and help you be bold and innovative in your thoughts and actions.
Neptune can pour down a waterfall of intuitive energy and guidance. He can also help you function from a state of embodied awakening to help everything in your life work more easily and smoothly!
9/17 (Tue)
Two momentous astrological events happen today: this year’s most potent eclipse and the 2024 peak of this decade’s most impactful astrology event. 9/17 could be 2024’s most important astrology day!
Let’s start with the …
Lunar Eclipse
A Pisces lunar eclipse lines up today (9/17) at 5:29 pm EDT (22°25′ Libra).
Astronomically speaking, this eclipse will be visible in Europe and much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and elsewhere. Only the uppermost part of the moon will be shadowed, so it won’t be much to look at.
The shadowing is minimal because the luminaries and lunar nodes are eleven degrees apart. The proximity of the luminaries and lunar nodes is one way to measure the strength of an eclipse. So this eclipse doesn’t score high there.
An eclipse’s aspects are another critical consideration when determining its strength. And that’s where this one knocks it out of the park!
As a Full Moon
But I’m getting ahead of myself. First let’s remember that a lunar eclipse is also a Full Moon.
Any Pisces Full Moon is a great for release or adjustment in several areas. These include spiritual awakening, inspired creativity, and functioning in flow state. Other Piscean opportunities include conscious dreaming and dream interpretation, as well as embodying deeper compassion and unconditional love.
Do your best to avoid the undesirable expressions of Pisces. These include addiction, substance abuse, excessive escapism, aimless drifting, and playing the victim.
Mini Grand Trine
As noted above, this lunar eclipse is so potent because of its aspects. To be specific, it aligns with the Mini Grand Trine formed by the three outer planets. This once-in-a-lifetime aspect pattern is the most important astrology event of the 2020s!
Through an extraordinary synchronicity, this Mini Grand Trine has its strongest alignment of the year the same day as this eclipse! While it’s the most important component of this lunar eclipse, it’s even more important as a standalone event. So I’ll give it a detailed interpretation right after this lunar eclipse interpretation.
For now, I’ll note that the Moon is conjunct Neptune, and is bracketed by sextiles with Uranus and Pluto. The orb (exactness) of these Moon aspects is pretty tight, ranging from less than 1.5° (Uranus) to 4° (Pluto). The immense power of these three “gods of change” supercharges all the eclipse’s potentials!
Two More Aspects: Jupiter and Venus
There’s a moderately strong square (5° orb) between Jupiter and the luminaries. Jupiter amplifies whatever it touches, making the extraordinary potency of this eclipse even stronger!
Jupiter can help you see this eclipse’s opportunities as an exciting quest, and can expand your joy, excitement, and enthusiasm. He can inspire you to seek higher learning and wisdom, or share your meaningful insights with others.
Jupiter can motivate you to benefit from the mind-expanding insights of other cultures. And he loves it when you dive into spirituality or philosophy to uncover the deeper meaning of life!
Jupiter is in Gemini. This can fire up your passion for learning, teaching, writing and communication.
This eclipse’s final aspect is a Moon-Venus quincunx, with an orb of less than 2°. Venus is dignified in Libra, emphasizing her planetary meanings of relationship and creativity.
Venus also rules money. The quincunx invites you to make any needed adjustments in these areas to take them to the next level.
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“Gods of Change” Mini Grand Trine: 2024 Peak
The most important astrology event of the 2020s is a Mini Grand Trine with the three outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. It lasts most of the decade.
Its influence started ramping up in 2022 and 2023. But its energy is continuous from 4/25/2024 through 9/6/2029. That’s five and a half years!
The 2024 peak is today (9/17), with the Mini Grand Trine within a three degree orb (level of exactness). With this potentially harmonious interaction, these three “gods of change” can support each others’ highest qualities.
A Mini Grand Trine is a triangle with two 60° sextiles and a 120° trine. Here, Pluto is sextile Neptune, Neptune is sextile Uranus, and Uranus is trine Pluto.
Pluto’s high sides are wealth, power, and the death or release of the outworn old so you can blossom into a superior new. Pluto also supports determination, persistence, and high-vibration occult practices.
Other Pluto attributes include:
- Courage.
- Loyalty.
- Honesty.
- Ambition.
- Discipline.
- Self-reliance.
- Independence.
- Passion.
- Curiosity.
- Emotional intensity.
- Caring protectiveness.
- Intuition.
What about Neptune? His high side potentials include spiritual awakening, inspired creativity, and inspiring others, as well as living in flow state, compassion, and unconditional love.
Neptune rules conscious unity with all things, conscious dreaming, dream interpretation, and empathy.
Other Neptune attributes include:
- Generosity.
- Intuition.
- Sensitivity.
- Compassion.
- Forgiveness.
- Romanticism.
- Natural healing ability.
That leaves Uranus. He can help you be:
- Progressive.
- Compassionate.
- Justice focused.
- Freedom loving.
- Visionary.
- Idealistic.
- Humanitarian.
- Philanthropic.
- Socially engaged.
- Reform-minded.
- Ingenious.
- Brilliant.
Additional Uranus qualities include:
- Open to intuitive hits.
- Inquisitive.
- A big picture thinker.
- Problem solving.
- Open-minded.
- Unique.
- Serving others with the special talents you most love to use.
- Independent.
- Creative.
- Technology focused.
- Determined.
In this Mini Grand Trine, each of these planets’ potentials is supercharged by the other two. There’s almost no end to the positive possibilities!
Low Potentials
But even with these harmonious aspects, these planets’ low potentials are also possible, and will almost certainly express to some degree. But given that these planets connect entirely with harmonious aspects, this is not the place to focus on them. If you want to learn about the dark side potentials of these three planets, watch my free 2024 astrology forecast video. (The link will start you at the section about the Mini Grand Trine.)
New Signs

All three outer planets are moving into new signs. They’ll touch into them by early July of 2025, and they’ll all lock into their new signs by late April of 2026. All these new signs will be air or fire, which are masculine and assertive.
After bouncing back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, Pluto finally settles into Aquarius on 11/19/2024 and stays there through early 2044. Pluto in Aquarius has a similar energy to the great Uranus-Pluto conjunction that gave the 1960s their radical character. Its revolutionary motto could be “Big change now!”
Neptune enters Aries in late March 2025, then locks into the Sign of the Ram in late January 2026. Neptune in Aries adds drive, passion, fire, and initiation to all the Neptune high side potentials already mentioned. (Including my favorite, spiritual awakening!)
Uranus enters Gemini in early July of 2025, then locks into Gemini in late April of 2026. Uranus in Gemini electrifies brilliant breakthrough thinking. This is exactly what humanity needs to get through the huge challenges we’re facing.
Recent Global Shifts From Two Outer Planets
Why are the outer planets called the “gods of change”? Because when they line up in certain ways, major changes happen!
One well-known example is the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. This world-changing aspect was felt throughout the 60s and early 70s. Its radical “big change now!” energy revolutionized people and countries everywhere.
The potent Uranus-Neptune conjunction was strong from the late 80s through the late 90s. It coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. More equitable societal structures arose around the world. The internet took off. And huge numbers of people started exploring spiritual awakening and alternative spirituality.
These were two-planet combinations. But what’s happening now involves all three outer planets. With the game-changing energies of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto combined, the effects could be even more transformative!
Once In A Lifetime
How unusual is this? There hasn’t been an alignment of the three outer planets this powerful since the 1770s. 250 years ago, an outer planets Grand Trine (an equilateral triangle) coincided with the US Declaration of Independence.
What about the future? We won’t have another outer planets alignment this strong (another Mini Grand Trine) until the 2190s. That’s 170 years from now.
This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
How will this affect you?
From now through 2029, this transiting “gods of change” aspect pattern will work its way through almost half of your natal chart! Any planet or sensitive point between 0 and 9 degrees of any sign, or between 27 and 29 degrees, will be lit up by these monumental astrological forces. (Right now, Uranus and Neptune are also firing up your chart between 24 and 26 degrees.)
For many people, these will be the most impactful astrology transits of their entire life!
These winds of change are already here, and getting stronger. Do you want to be blown around like a plastic bag? Or do you want to proactively partner with the planets to co-create your most wonderful life ever?
I strongly recommend co-creation!
To make the best of this extraordinary opportunity, you’ll need to know when the outer planets are stimulating your sensitive natal planets and points. And you’ll need your astrological symbols and archetypes explained in plain English. This will tell you which areas of life to focus on to reap the greatest benefit, and when to do it.
Please consider having me do this for you. I’ve done over 10,000 astrology readings for a global clientele, and have won three “Best Astrologer” awards. I also have 100+ 5-star Google reviews.
To make your reading even more helpful, I’ll also tell you about any other transiting planets significantly affecting you. And I’ll give you any important insights from other astrological movement systems such as secondary progressions, solar arcs, and solar returns. (All explained in plain English, of course.)
The Eclipses
And let’s not forget the eclipses! The Sept. 17 lunar eclipse is the strongest of the year, mainly because it aligns with the three outer planets. And the October 2 solar eclipse has its own special power.
As part of your reading, I’ll explain how you can use these powerful eclipse energies to improve your life!
More About Your Reading
Finally, if it’s the best use of any remaining time we have, I can also guide you in experiential processes that might include spiritual awakening, healing, and more.
I’m even running a special on my Astrology+ readings. For a limited time, you can save up to $150!
I suggest that you prepay your reading now. This will let you lock in these special low prices before they expire. Then you can schedule your reading at your earliest convenience.
Here are the payment links:
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Learn more about my Astrology+ readings.
Please contact me with any questions. I look forward to helping you maximize the extraordinary benefits of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
9/19 (Thu)
Two T-Squares Peak
Two T-Squares peak today: one with Venus, Chiron, and Pluto, and the other with Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Venus-Chiron-Pluto T-Square
Relationship challenge could stir up difficult emotions because of a Venus-Chiron-Pluto T-Square. It started on 9/14, peaks today on 9/19, and ends on 9/24.
Is the other person truly causing your pain? Or are they just catalyzing an old trauma you haven’t healed yet?
The latter is usually the case. If so, my free Healing Invocation has helped thousands heal old trauma with surprising ease and speed.
Fortunately, Chiron doesn’t just stir up old trauma. As the wounded healer, he can also represent working with a capable healer or wisdom giver. This is a good time to seek one out, or step into that role if you’re willing and able.
Pluto, lord of the underworld, rules buried trauma. He and Chiron are the two planets most associated with shadow work. This can empower you to confidently face and heal those old traumas once and for all!
This T-Square also supports creative mentoring and refinement, as well as financial counseling. Because Venus and Pluto rule money and wealth respectively, you can also use this T-Square to improve your financial situation.
Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square
Your mental prowess can be productively amplified and focused, thanks to a Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square. This aspect pattern started on 9/15, peaks today (9/19), and ends on 9/23.
Mercury is further empowered by its placement in Virgo, a sign it rules. Virgo energy is especially good at editing and refinement, so this is a great time to fine tune any partially completed projects.
Virgo also rules service, so keep in mind how your completed work will benefit others. As a bonus, Jupiter in Gemini amplifies all types of learning and communication.
9/20 (Fri)
We have four significant astrology events today, starting with a …
Mercury-Outer Planets Kite
What kind of learning, writing, teaching, or communication do you want to do?
Whatever you choose, it’s supercharged by a Kite featuring Mercury and the three “gods of change”: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This harmonious aspect pattern starts today (9/20), peaks on 9/25, and ends on 9/30.
This comes right on the heels of the Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square that started yesterday. It’s exceptionally rare for Mercury to be blessed with aspects from all five social and outer planets, all at the same time!
Mercury’s in Virgo, a sign it rules, through 9/25. This opens additional opportunities for service, health, and detail work. Mercury’s in Libra starting on 9/26, boosting creative writing and harmonious interaction.
Sun Kite Peaks
You can enjoy boosted vitality, and can shine out to the world more easily, thanks to a harmonious aspect pattern that peaks today (9/20). This Kite features the Sun and all three outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This aspect pattern started on 9/11 and ends on 9/29.
With the Sun in Virgo thru 9/22 at 8:44 am EDT, this Kite gives extra support for service, health, and detail work. After that, with the Sun in Libra, relationships and creativity are boosted.
Saturn Quintile Uranus
You have nearly four more months to benefit from the special magic of a Saturn-Uranus quintile (15°6′ Pisces-27°6′ Taurus). This fairy dust aspect came into orb (close enough to be felt) on 7/28, and continues its effects thru 1/11/2025!
At the most basic level, Uranus (paradigm shift) can shake up any structures (Saturn) that no longer serve you. Is some physical or energetic structure in your life showing signs of discord?
If so, examine it closely. Should you completely release it? Or would the highest good of all be served by its transformation? Your intuition can guide you, supported by Uranus’ flashes of insight and Pisces’ waterfall of divine guidance.
Saturn in Pisces can empower your Law of Attraction manifestations. (Pisces rules visualization, while Saturn rules physical crystallization.) But my favorite Saturn in Pisces potential is embodied awakening! (For a fast and easy way to do this, which has helped thousands stay divinely conscious, check out my free Embodied Awakening Invocation.)
Sun Opposite Neptune
Today’s Sun-Neptune opposition (28°30′ Virgo-Pisces) is ideal for spiritual awakening, inspired creativity, and functioning “in the zone.” It can also help you serve others with greater compassion and unconditional love.
This aspect is part of the lunar eclipse on 9/17. Click here to understand this opposition in that larger context.

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9/21 (Sat)
Yod Peaks
The Venus-Uranus-Neptune Yod that started on 9/17 peaks today (9/21) and ends on 9/24.
Mercury Square Jupiter
Today’s Mercury-Jupiter square (20°48′ Virgo-Gemini) is part of the Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square that started on 9/15. To understand this aspect in that larger context, click here.
9/22 (Sun)
Autumn Equinox Chart / Sun Enters Libra
The Sun enters Libra at 8:44 am EDT. This marks the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere’s Vernal Equinox.
For the next month, the Libra Sun makes more energy available for relating and creating. It’s easier to focus on harmony and beauty.
The Autumn Equinox chart
The Autumn Equinox chart sets the astrological tone for the next three months. We’ll start with its strongest messages, then move on to subtler influences. If I’ve already interpreted something, I’ll link to that interpretation so you can learn more.
The Mini Grand Trine
An overwhelming influence in this equinox chart – and one that will remain prominent in the equinox and solstice charts of the 2020s – is the Mini Grand Trine with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Tons of Aspects Between Personal and Outer Planets!
Amazingly, this Autumn Equinox chart shows all three outer planets each aspecting four or five personal planets. (And there are only five personal planets.) This is the first time I’ve seen anything like this in a seasonal chart.
The personal planets are massively stimulated by these transpersonal forces. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are hitting us where we live. Spiritually speaking, it’s time to wake up!
This puts us all in the fast lane of personal and spiritual growth. Anything that’s blocking your evolution will be catalyzed, with enough emphasis to get your attention.
If you ignore a challenging catalyst, it will eventually come back even more forcefully. If you try to avoid it, you’ll be stifled in stagnant stuckness.
But if you face these challenges skillfully, you’ll catapult into the unimaginable wonder of your next awakening – with many more awakenings to come!
(My free Instant Divine Assistance Invocations have helped thousands master such challenges with surprising ease and speed. To learn how to delegate your healing and awakening to your higher self, click here.)
Four Potent Personal-Outer Aspects
Four of these aspects between personal and outer planets are especially potent. I highlight them below. I also include a list of all the aspects between outer and inner planets at the end of this Autumn Equinox interpretation.
Moon conjunct Uranus
The planet of emotions meets the lightning strike paradigm shifter! You could experience “more moods per minute,” especially with the Moon in variety-loving Gemini.
Optimize this conjunction by releasing stagnant, outworn situations and trying new things. Consider adopting the SETT-GEFN approach that has worked so well for me: “Safe Enough to Try, Good Enough for Now.”
If you experience emotional volatility, explore whether a challenging emotion is revealing an old trauma that’s ready for healing. If so, do whatever shadow work technique works best for you. (As noted above, my free DIY Healing Invocation can be very effective for this.)
With emotions, you can only go as high as you’ve gone low. Translation: The more you heal old emotional traumas, the more you’ll open to new heights of joy!
Sun Opposite Neptune
Click here for this interpretation.
Sun Trine Pluto
The Sun-Pluto trine is part of a Sun-outer planets Kite. Click here to understand this Sun-Pluto trine in that larger context.
Venus Square Pluto
This is part of a Venus-Chiron-Pluto T-Square. Click here to understand this Venus-Pluto square in that larger context.
Three More Notable Influences
Kite with the Moon, Sun, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
This aspect pattern is the previously interpreted Sun-outer planets Kite, with the addition of the Gemini Moon conjunct Uranus. The Moon’s Gemini energy adds opportunities for learning, writing, teaching, and communication.
Saturn Quintile Uranus
Mercury Square Jupiter
Subtler Influences: 4 Aspect Patterns
That’s all the strong influences of this Autumn Equinox chart. In case you have any brain space left, here are links to this chart’s subtler influences. They’re all aspect patterns I’ve previously interpreted.
Cradle: Pallas-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto
T-Square: Venus-Chiron-Pluto
Kite: Mercury-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto
Yod: Venus-Uranus-Neptune
Note: As promised above, here are all of the equinox charts’ aspects between outer and inner planets, with the orb (exactness) in parentheses:
Uranus trine Sun (3°), conjunct Moon (4°), trine Mercury (4°), quincunx Venus (2°), and semi-square Mars (2°).
Neptune opposite Sun (2°), sextile Moon (3°), opposite Mercury (5°), and quincunx Venus (1°).
Pluto trine Sun (0°), trine Moon (2°), trine Mercury (7°), and square Venus (0°).
This ends my interpretation of the Autumn Equinox Chart. Whew! That just leaves one more aspect on 9/22 …
Venus Square Pluto
Today’s Venus-Pluto square (29°43′ Libra-Capricorn) is part of the Venus-Chiron-Pluto T-Square continuing thru 9/24. Click here to understand this aspect pattern in that larger context.

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9/24 (Tue)
Mercury trine Uranus
You can experience more of the “mind of the genius” with Mercury trine Uranus (27°2′ Virgo-Taurus). This harmonious aspect is part of a Mercury-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Kite. To understand this aspect in that larger context, click here.
9/25 (Wed)
There are three significant events today: a peaking Mercury Kite, Mars semi-square Uranus, and Saturn semi-square Pluto!
Mercury Kite Peaks
The Mercury-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Kite that started on 9/20 peaks today (9/25) and ends on 9/30.
Mars Semi-Square Uranus
You should use today’s intense Mars-Uranus semi-square (12°1′ Cancer-27°1′ Taurus) with great mindfulness!
On the challenging side, this aspect can be chaotic and destabilizing. Mars’ warlike tendencies can strike violently and unexpectedly. Steer clear of dangerous people and situations as much as possible.
On the high side, this aspect can energize you to act immediately on your intuitive hits. You can take ingenious, inspired action as a warrior, pioneer, sexual being, or entrepreneur. And you can boldly show the world your truest self.
Mars is in Cancer, helping you take heartfelt action. This also makes it easier to initiate matters relating to your home and family.
You can use Uranus’ electrifying energy by embracing your unique talents, then serving the world with them in whatever ways most delight you. And trust the extra intuitive hits you’ll be getting. They come from your higher self, and are the most reliable guidance a human can receive!
Saturn Semi-Square Pluto
A year is a long time for an aspect. But that’s about how long this Saturn-Pluto semi-square (14°42′ Pisces-29°42′ Capricorn) endures. It came into orb (its range of influence) on 3/24/24, and won’t wrap up until 3/13/25!
You can expect some challenge and intensity with this minor hard aspect. If difficulties arise, what release or transformation would help resolve them?
If you feel negative emotions, you might be tempted to squash them back down. But doing this just guarantees that they’ll come back again later. Would it be better to use an effective trauma healing technique to heal your emotional pain once and for all?
Fortunately, this semi-square also has more obvious upside uses. Saturn’s placement in Pisces empowers Law of Attraction manifestation and the life-transforming benefits of embodied awakening. This aspect also supports the conscious dissolution of whatever doesn’t belong in your life anymore. Use it well!
9/30 (Mon)
Mars Trine Saturn
It’s Energizer Bunny time with Mars trine Saturn (14°24′ Cancer-Pisces). This harmonious aspect can give you plenty of endurance to stay the course! With Mars in Cancer, you can take productive action in alignment with your heart.
Sun Conjunct Mercury
The usual Mercury opportunities – learning, writing, teaching, and communication – are lit up by a Sun-Mercury conjunction (8°11′ Libra). Their placement in Libra also empowers creative writing and harmonious relating!

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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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