Does Law of Attraction visualization change the universe you’re in, or jump you into a different one? And does it even matter, as long as you manifest the reality you want? I lead off this 19-minute episode with this question, then give you the most important Law of Attraction fundamentals. Join me to learn how to make your reality match or exceed your loftiest visions! Read more…
Law of Attraction
Declare That It’s So – to Smoke Out the Shadow!
How many times have you used affirmations or Law of Attraction to manifest something in your life – only to get derailed by challenging thoughts and emotions? In this 5-minute video, I explain how “the obstacle is the way”. Dealing with those challenging thoughts and emotions is an integral part of the process, not a distraction from it! I even give you a simple free technique to accelerate this essential shadow work. Read more…
The Red Striped Plaid Dragon: How Words Shape Reality
In this 7-minute video, I describe how I accidentally manifested a bizarre etheric dragon … and what this taught me about the power of words to shape reality! Read more…
February 16-28 2018 Astrology Forecast: 4 “Fingers of God” Point to Abundance
Abundance, Law of Attraction manifestation and shadow work are central themes stimulated by four overlapping “Fingers of God” in the second half of February. Enhanced prosperity is also supported by a Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern. In addition, we have Venus conjoining Neptune and squaring Mars, the Sun entering Pisces, and more! Read more…
May 16-31 2016 Astrology Forecast: Manifest Now!
Your power to turn thoughts into reality is amplified by a five-planet Grand Cross starring the Law of Attraction planets Saturn and Neptune. Prosperity opportunities are also amplified by a double-peaking Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto Grand Trine! The second half of May also features a Jupiter-Saturn square, Mercury turning direct, a Sagittarius Full Moon and much more! Read more…
May 1-15 2016 Astrology Forecast: Abundance Opportunities!
May’s first half offers major abundance opportunities with three Jupiter-Pluto Grand Trines and a peaking Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune T-square! A Taurus New Moon and Jupiter turning direct further amplify the prosperity vibe. Read more…
March 1-15 Astrology Forecast: 2016’s Most Powerful Eclipse!
2016’s most powerful eclipse headlines the first half of March. Five challenging aspect patterns involving Jupiter and Saturn — most of them adding even more intensity to the eclipse — also stand front and center. Law of Attraction and spiritual embodiment opportunities are especially strong! Read more…
November 16-30 2015 Astrology Forecast: Saturn-Neptune Square!
A potent Saturn-Neptune square is a match made in heaven for Law of Attraction manifestation and embodying divine consciousness in your everyday life. Two Uranus-Pluto T-squares fire up a fresh round of revolutionary transformation. And the power of an extraordinary Gemini Full Moon is augmented by three powerful aspect patterns! Read more…