The first half of November features a Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This Eclipse incorporates a potent T-Square that includes the Lunar Nodes and the mighty Saturn-Uranus square. We also have another T-Square, as well as a Kite strongly flavored by Scorpio and Pluto! And we announce our November free session winner! Read more…
Saturn-Uranus square
Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: November 1-15 2022 Astrology Forecast
The first half of November features a Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This Eclipse incorporates a potent T-Square that includes the Lunar Nodes and the mighty Saturn-Uranus square. We also have another T-Square, as well as a Kite strongly flavored by Scorpio and Pluto! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, October 1-15 2022: Aries Full Moon with 5-Planet T-Square: (#611)
The first half of October features Mercury and Pluto turning direct, the 2022 peak of the Saturn-Uranus square, and an Aries Full Moon lit up by a five-planet T-Square! We also have two new Grand Trines and a peaking T-Square. Read more…
TWIA Podcast, November 16-30 2021: Taurus Lunar Eclipse (#594)
A strong Taurus Lunar Eclipse features aspects empowering learning and communication in November’s second half. Another major event is the final exact alignment of this year’s #2 aspect, a Saturn-Chiron sextile. We also have Mars opposing Uranus, the Sun entering Sagittarius, and much more! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, November 1-15 2021: Scorpio New Moon Opposing Uranus (#593)
The first half of November features an intense Scorpio New Moon tightly opposing Uranus. We also have 3 T-squares making potent alchemy with the Saturn-Uranus square – the most important aspect of 2021. And we announce November’s free session winner! Read more…
Scorpio New Moon Opposing Uranus: November 1-15 2021 Astrology Forecast
The first half of November features an intense Scorpio New Moon tightly opposing Uranus. We also have 3 T-squares making potent alchemy with the Saturn-Uranus square – the most important aspect of 2021! Read more…