2020’s final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is the star of this week’s forecast. We’ll also dive deep into the world-shaking Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Triple Conjunction, this year’s biggest astrology event, that includes Jupiter and Pluto. We also have Mars turning direct, a Scorpio new Moon, and 7 bonus aspects that aren’t in my written forecast. Read more…
Scorpio New Moon
TWIA Podcast Oct 21-27 2019: Uranian Scorpio New Moon (#509)
A Scorpio New Moon strongly influenced by Uranus highlights the week of October 21. We also have the Sun entering Scorpio, an intense T-square featuring Mars, Saturn and the lunar nodes, a magical Mystic Rectangle, and a potentially fortuitous Jupiter-Ceres conjunction. Read more…
Uranian Scorpio New Moon: October 16-31 2019 Astrology Forecast
An intense Scorpio New Moon, made even more powerful by a tight Uranus opposition, highlights the second half of October. We also have Mercury turning retrograde on Halloween, as well as a mix of harmonious and challenging aspect patterns. Read more…
November 1-15 2018 Astrology Forecast: Jupiter Enters Sagittarius
Jupiter entering Sagittarius is only one of several impactful events involving slower planets in the first half of November. We also have Uranus retrograding into Aries and an extraordinary Mirror Image Double Yod incorporating seven planets! All that, along with a Scorpio New Moon and several more powerful aspect patterns, gives us a lot of astrological juju to work with! Read more…
November 16-30 2017 Astrology Forecast – Mystery Dive: Scorpio New Moon
The cosmos invites you to dive into the mysterious under a Scorpio New Moon. Other highlights for the second half of November include the Sun entering Sagittarius, Neptune turning direct, and Venus aspecting all four outer planets. There can also be intense challenge – and opportunity – as Mars forms two T-squares with outer planets! Read more…
October 16-31 2016 Astrology Forecast: Into the Mystery
A supermoon Aries Full Moon that tightly conjoins Uranus highlights the second half of October. We also have a mysterious Scorpio New Moon, Mars conjunct Pluto and square Uranus, Venus cozying up to Neptune and Saturn, and more! Read more…
November 1-15 2015 Astrology Forecast: Specialized Hourglass Challenges Committed Partnerships
Committed partnerships might experience challenge during November’s first half due to a rare Specialized Hourglass aspect pattern full of slower planets. Other “skylights” include a Scorpio New Moon, a Venus-Pluto-Uranus T-square, a Venus-Mars conjunction, and more! Read more…