Jupiter square Saturn (again) and a challenging Winter Solstice chart highlight the second half of December. We also have a Capricorn New Moon, Chiron turning direct, and lots of aspect patterns! (Including three with Vesta, focusing on selfless service to a higher cause.)
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As of December 16 …
The Moon is waning (there was a Gemini Full Moon on 12/15).
Chiron is retrograde thru 12/29.
Uranus is retrograde thru 1/30.
Mars is retrograde thru 2/23 at 9 pm EST.
A Sun-Vesta-Uranus Yod continues thru 12/20
A Mercury-Mars-Pluto-Lunar Nodes Envelope continues thru 12/21.
A Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square continues thru 1/3.
The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine continues thru 9/6/2029.
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12/16 (Mon)
The second half of December kicks off with three aspect patterns: two new and one continuing.
Vesta, Vesta, Vesta!
Vesta is the asteroid goddess of selfless service to a worthy cause. Amazingly, she’s in three overlapping aspect patterns!
The first starts today (12/16): a “Finger of God,” formally called a Yod, with Vesta, Uranus, and Neptune. It peaks on 12/23 and ends on 12/30.
The other two Vestal aspect patterns start on 12/20. A Vesta-Jupiter-Pluto Thor’s Hammer peaks on 1/1 and ends on 1/9. And a Mars-Vesta-Pluto T-Square peaks on 1/4 and ends on 1/17.
To simplify this, Vesta is catalyzed by all three aspect patterns 12/20 thru 12/30. And she’s lit up by at least one aspect pattern 12/16 thru 1/17.
So Vesta is supercharged by aspect patterns that include all three outer planets, Jupiter and Mars.
It could feel overwhelming to analyze the specific effects of all five planets on Vesta. Instead, let’s consider this extraordinary infusion of planetary energies as a single massive force energizing her philanthropic theme.
The three aspect patterns that include Vesta — Yod, Thor’s Hammer, and T-Square — can be challenging.
Are you feeling internal resistance to selflessly serving a worthy cause? Are you no longer in alignment with a cause you’ve been supporting? Do you want to offer extra support to a cause you’re devoted to, because it’s being challenged and needs extra support?
All this is happening during the holiday season, when giving to others is top of mind. You can use these Vesta aspect patterns to fine-tune your charitable contributions of time, resources, and energy so they do the greatest good!
Committed Partnership “Finger of God” Begins
The quality of your committed partnerships can become more clear as a new “Finger of God” (or Yod) begins. This Yod flows the energies of Jupiter and Chiron to the asteroid goddess Juno. It starts today (12/16), peaks on 12/23, and ends on 12/29.
Juno, mythological wife of Zeus, represents committed partnership. But her meaning isn’t limited to romance. Any committed partnership, be it personal, business, or otherwise, can fall under her domain.
Chiron, the wounded healer, could introduce challenge. If so, it’s only to alert you to possible areas of improvement in that committed partnership. This might involve expansion, healing, or release.
Jupiter, our solar system’s biggest gas giant, can expand your perspective on a relationship. This can help you perceive its nuances more clearly.
With Jupiter in diversity-loving Gemini, do you have a sufficient variety of relationships to meet your needs? Many people unreasonably expect their romantic partner to meet all their relational needs. Could some be better fulfilled by close friends, in ways that are in full integrity with your primary relationship?
A Yod contains two 150° quincunxes. A quincunx is the aspect of adjustment. What adjustments would be best for any committed partnerships that need your attention?
(To read my brief post on dealing with the three relationship “buckets,” click here.)
“Speak Your Truth” Envelope Peaks
That brings us to the third and final aspect pattern starting today. Mercury, already the star of a long-lasting T-Square, steps into the spotlight again as the focal point of an Envelope.
This harmonious aspect pattern features Mercury, Mars, Pluto, and the lunar nodes. It started on 12/10, peaks today (12/16), and ends on 12/21.
Mars and Pluto potently energize Mercury’s natal meanings: learning, teaching, writing, and communication. Mercury is in Sagittarius, the sign of publishing and broadcasting.
The lunar nodes encourage you to do this in alignment with your life purpose. And with most of the planets in a fire sign Grand Trine, you’ll have plenty of enthusiasm to get the word out!
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12/19 (Thu)
Relationship T-Square Begins
What’s the biggest room in the world?
Room for improvement!
Apply that idea to your relationships as a new T-Square with Venus, Juno, and Uranus kicks off. It starts today (12/19), peaks on 12/25, and ends on 1/2.
Venus rules all important relationships. These could include spouse, lover, friend, family, business associate, or open enemy. Venus is in Aquarius, the sign of paradigm shift and unconventional thinking.
Juno, already the focus of a “Finger of God” that started yesterday, rules committed partnership. She’s in Scorpio, the sign of life-altering transformation. One of Scorpio’s images is a caterpillar transforming into a breathtaking butterfly.
The final corner of this T-Square is Uranus. Like Aquarius, it rules paradigm shift and unconventional thinking.
In this aspect pattern, Uranus and Aquarius encourage you to brainstorm with your partner to craft a bespoke relationship. Rather than defaulting to conventional expectations, create a framework that uniquely fits your needs and desires.
A T-Square can bring challenge when it serves your highest good. If challenge arises in a relationship, consider it an alert from your higher self that something about it needs your attention.
(Not sure what to do? My post on evaluating relationships might prove helpful.)
Venus Trine Jupiter
With two new aspect patterns possibly bringing relationship challenge (see the Yod and T-Square above), it’s nice to have harmonious energy in the mix! Today’s Venus-Jupiter trine (14°37′ Aquarius-Gemini) creates easy-flowing connection between the planet of relationship (Venus) and the ruler of luck and abundance (Jupiter).
This won’t neutralize the more challenging effects of the aspect patterns. But it could make them easier to negotiate.
This soft aspect can also bring flowing, expansive support to your creativity and finances. With Venus in Aquarius, think outside the box!
12/20 (Fri)
The Other Two Vesta Aspect Patterns Begin
Two Vesta-focused aspect patterns begin today: a T-Square with Mars, Vesta, and Pluto, as well as a Thor’s Hammer with Vesta, Jupiter, and Pluto. To learn more about these, click here.
12/21 (Sat)
Winter Solstice / Sun Enters Capricorn
The Sun enters Capricorn at 4:21 am EST, marking the Winter Solstice.
For the next month, you can embrace greater maturity, responsibility, and productivity. Capricorn energy empowers you to master time management, effectively “plan the work and work the plan,” and achieve your long-term goals.
The Winter Solstice Chart
Seasonal charts give a broad-brush vibe for the next three months.
The Winter Solstice chart contains eight hard aspect patterns and three harmonious ones. This suggests that we’ll face our share of challenges.
When skillfully met, challenge serves as a potent springboard for healing and growth. I’ve repeatedly witnessed how, for most people, healing is the fastest accelerator of spiritual awakening!
Most of us didn’t come to Earth for vacation lifetimes. We came to evolve, grow, and serve.
So face your challenges courageously. If you already have effective healing techniques, use them. Or try my free Healing Invocation, which has helped thousands heal trauma with surprising ease and speed.
NOTE: Graphics appear below for aspect patterns that I only discuss as part of the Winter Solstice chart. Click the links to see graphics for all other aspect patterns. As always, clicking a graphic will usually let you see a larger version.
Hard Aspect Patterns
T-Square: Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn, plus
Grand Cross: Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Click here for my interpretation of the Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square.
Adding the Virgo Moon expands this aspect pattern to a Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn Grand Cross. This can add emotional intensity to fire up your mental activities. The Moon’s placement in Virgo can help you be even more precise and analytical.
T-Square: The Sun, Neptune, and the Lunar Nodes
Shine your life purpose out to the world in practical ways, guided by the flow of intuitive guidance. The Capricorn Sun square Neptune empowers Law of Attraction manifestation, embodied awakening, and conscious dissolution.
Three Vesta Aspect Patterns
I interpreted the three aspect patterns that include Vesta on 12/16. (Click here to learn more.) They relate to selfless service to a higher cause, and include:
Yod: Vesta-Uranus-Neptune
T-Square: Mars-Vesta-Pluto
Thor’s Hammer: Vesta-Jupiter-Pluto
Two hard aspect patterns focus on relationships:
Soft Aspect Patterns
Mystic Rectangle: Mars-Pluto-Lunar Nodes
Take assertive, potent action in alignment with your life purpose. Make your mark as a warrior, leader, sexual being, or pioneer. Merge with your lover’s light body to enjoy the enhanced ecstasy of sacred sex.
Kite: Mercury-Mars-Ceres-North Node
Communicate assertively, and in alignment with your life purpose, to experience amplified trauma healing and abundance.
The “Gods of Change” Mini Grand Trine
The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine – this decade’s most important astrology event! – continues thru 9/6/2029.
Individual Aspects
Mars quintile Uranus lets your actions be magically guided by your intuitive hits.
Jupiter quintile the North Node can give you extraordinary support for boldly venturing into life in alignment with your life purpose.
Juno trine Saturn can give your committed partnerships more productivity and stability.
Finally, Mercury trine Mars fires up your learning and communication!

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12/23 (Mon)
Two Yods Peak
Two Yods started on 12/16, and they both peak today (12/23). The Juno-Jupiter-Chiron Yod continues through 12/29, while the Vesta-Uranus-Neptune Yod perseveres through 12/30.
12/24 (Tue)
Jupiter Square Saturn (2 of 3)
Expand or contract? See the glass as half-full or half-empty? Dance in ecstatic celebration or top off your emergency supplies? With Jupiter square Saturn (14°1′ Gemini-Pisces) on Christmas Eve, you might be pulled in both directions.
This is one of 2024’s most important astrology events!
Jupiter and Saturn came into orb (began to influence each other) on 7/6, and made their first exact square on 8/19.
Because Jupiter turned retrograde on 10/9 with this square still in orb, this aspect’s influence lasts an unusually long time: nearly 13 months!
The second exact Jupiter-Saturn square happens today (12/24), while the final square will be on 6/15/25. This aspect’s influence will finally end on 7/31/25. This will give you plenty of time to make the most of its opportunities!
Be flexible. Sometimes Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism and celebration, will lead. Jupiter may also invite you to focus on philosophy, religion, and foreign travel or influences.
At other times heed Saturn, who embodies seriousness, maturity, boundaries and limitation. He may call for you to focus on your goals, plan your work and work your plan, and keep your nose to the grindstone.
The signs of the social planets add other life-affirming potentials. Jupiter is in Gemini, while Saturn is in Pisces. The supports intuitively inspired thinking and communication, as well as enhanced Law of Attraction juju.
It will be easier to brainstorm to achieve practical outcomes. And you can balance blissfully productive periods “in the zone” with downtime for playful celebration!
This is the waxing square of the Great Conjunction of 2020. This marks the first major turning point of that momentous Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, one of this decade’s most important influences.
To learn how to make the best use of this Great Conjunction cycle, click here.

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12/25 (Wed)
Relationship T-Square Peaks
The Venus-Juno-Uranus T-Square that started on 12/19 peaks today (12/25) and ends on 1/2. May your paradigm-shifted relationships help you enjoy a very merry Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate!
12/26 (Thu)
Final Peak of That Persistent Mercury T-Square
Mercury, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods, usually dashes through the zodiac. So it’s rare to see an extended Mercury aspect pattern like this one, lasting nearly two months!
This Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square entered its zone of influence on 11/9. This challenging aspect pattern first peaked on 11/15.
This T-Square peaked again on 12/5 as Mercury went retrograde. Now, with Mercury direct, this T-Square’s final peak is today (12/26). Its waning influence continues through 1/3/25.
A Catalyst for Knowledge and Wisdom
Jupiter and Saturn provide a dynamic balance of expansion and focus, fostering your intellectual pursuits. With Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, in Sagittarius — a sign ruled by expansive Jupiter — your drive to learn, teach, write, and share ideas can be amplified.
A Time to Share Your Wisdom
This transit is perfect for broadcasting your message to the world. Jupiter’s influence makes it easier to publish your work, spread your ideas, and inspire others. Whether you’re a writer, teacher, or spiritual guide, now could be the moment to step into the spotlight!
Embrace the Challenge, Ignite the Change
Though a T-Square can be challenging, it can also spark growth and transformation. Embrace new ideas, question your beliefs, and challenge the status quo.
Breakthrough thinkers often face initial resistance. But by staying true to your vision, you might find that it eventually gains acceptance.
Mercury Opposite Jupiter
Today’s Mercury-Jupiter opposition (13°46′ Sagittarius-Gemini) is part of the Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square I just interpreted. Revisit that to understand this aspect in that larger context.
The only point I want to add here is that Mercury and Jupiter are in “mutual reception.” This means they’re each in a sign the other planet rules.
To be specific, Mercury is in Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter. And Jupiter is in Gemini, a sign ruled by Mercury.
Mutual reception boosts the power of planetary connections. This makes the Mercury-Jupiter passion for learning and communication even stronger!
12/27 (Fri)
Mercury Square Saturn
Today’s Mercury-Saturn square (14°11′ Sagittarius-Pisces) is part of the Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square that peaked on 12/26. Consult that to understand this aspect in that larger context.
12/28 (Sat)
Venus Square Uranus
Today’s Venus-Uranus square (23°43′ Aquarius-Taurus) is part of the Venus-Juno-Uranus T-Square that started on 12/19. Click here to understand this square’s relational possibilities in that larger context.
In addition, this aspect can help you “turn a corner” in your creativity or finances. Uranus, and Venus’ placement in Aquarius, encourage you to follow your intuitive hits and experiment with new approaches.
12/29 (Sun)
Chiron Turns Direct
Chiron turns direct at 4:13 pm EST (19°0′ Aries). The wounded healer has been retrograde for over five months, since 7/26 (23°32′ Aries).
This is a great time to take action on any healing support you need, be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.
Chiron is also a mentoring archetype. In what areas of your life could you benefit from the wisdom of others?
These days, there’s a greater need for healers and wisdom-givers than ever. Are you one of these? As Chiron turns direct, is it time to increase your service in these areas?
12/30 (Mon)
Capricorn New Moon
A New Moon lines up at 5:27 pm EST (9°43′ Capricorn).
Any Capricorn New Moon is an ideal time for fresh energy toward greater maturity, responsibility, and productivity. This energy empowers you to improve your time management and “plan the work and work the plan.”
This New Moon has four notable aspects.
A strong conjunction with warrior goddess Pallas Athena can help you be bold and stand up for a worthy cause.
But you might not have to do battle. This asteroid goddess can help you be clever and strategic in achieving your goals. Can you get to a win-win solution using mediation, diplomacy, or negotiation?
A tight Uranus sesquare can help you balance Capricorn’s comfort with conformity and conservatism with a fresh breath of individuality. Embrace what’s special and different about you, then share it with others as appropriate.
Uranus can also help you receive and act on intuitive hits from your higher self. The oddball planet also hopes you’ll serve others with your favorite talents and abilities!
A strong Ceres semi-sextile might stir up a trauma healing opportunity. But this asteroid goddess can also bring welcome harvest and abundance!
Finally, there’s a loose sextile from Saturn. Since Saturn and Capricorn have the same meanings, this harmoniously reinforces the Capricorn opportunities already mentioned.
Saturn’s placement in Pisces expands your possibilities. This combo supports embodied awakening, Law of Attraction manifestation, and conscious dissolution.
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor.”
This feels to me like the taming of wildness. Are there untamed parts of you that act out in undesirable ways? People are commonly hijacked by willful or wounded parts of themselves.
This process is called “blending” by Internal Family Systems Therapy. You can avoid this by maintaining a baseline embodied awakening.
By staying conscious as this higher awareness, you can see these willful parts coming. You can greet them with compassion and understanding, while also letting them know that you (Self) are the boss. They’re welcome to share their thoughts and emotions with you, but you’ll no longer let them take over.
Click here for Internal Family Systems Therapy resources. For a free video that will teach you how to maintain embodied awakening with surprising ease and consistency, click here.

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12/31 (Tue)
Mercury Trine Chiron
2024’s last notable astrology event is a harmonious Mercury-Chiron trine (19°0′ Sagittarius-Aries). Receiving or sharing wisdom is supported both by Chiron and Mercury’s placement in Sagittarius.
This is an auspicious final aspect for this year. With so many unknowns in 2025, we’ll need all the wisdom we can get!

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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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