An Aquarius New Moon and Uranus turning direct highlight the second half of January. We also have a “Smart Healing” T-Square, a Wedge to spark breakthrough thinking, and much more!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once, since many link to single-day forecasts from social media.
As of January 16 …
- The Moon is waning (there was a Cancer Full Moon on 1/13).
- Uranus is retrograde thru 1/30.
- Jupiter is retrograde thru 2/4.
- Mars is retrograde thru 2/23 at 9 pm EST.
- A Mars-Vesta-Pluto-T-Square continues through 1/17
- A Mars-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto-Lunar Nodes Envelope continues thru 1/27.
- A Mars-Juno-Uranus-Neptune-Lunar Nodes Envelope continues thru 2/1.
- The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine continues thru 9/6/2029.
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1/17 (Fri)
Uranus Opposite Juno
Ready for breakthroughs in your committed partnerships? A Uranus-Juno opposition (23°20′ Taurus-Scorpio) can fuel them!
This is a great time to think outside the box with the important people in your life. Brainstorm to see how you can make quantum leaps in your relationships.
This aspect could catalyze challenge in your committed partnerships. Sometimes this lets you know that it’s time to minimize or release a relationship. Otherwise, use this opposition as a springboard to identify issues, resolve them, and take your connection to the next level!
Sun Sextile Neptune
Law of Attraction manifestation and embodied awakening are harmoniously energized by a sextile between the Capricorn Sun and Neptune (27°35′ Capricorn-Pisces). This aspect can also help you crystallize your creativity and embody more unconditional love and compassion.
1/18 (Sat)
Juno Committed Partnership Patterns Peak
Juno, the asteroid goddess of committed partnership, steps up her game today. Two potent aspect patterns that feature her – a Grand Sextile and an Envelope – kick off.
As I noted in my January 1-15 forecast, Juno will be the focal point of several potent aspect patterns for nearly four months, through 5/7!
This invites you to bring special focus to your committed partnerships. It will be easier to accentuate the positive and take these important connections to the next level.
However, the potency of the planets aspecting Juno – especially the three other planets – may also stir up challenges that need to be addressed. To read my concise post on how to work skillfully with awesome, awful, or mixed relationships, click here.
Here’s info on the two Juno aspect patterns that start today:
Grand Sextile: Mars, Juno, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes. Starts today (1/18), has three peaks (1/26, 3/26, and 4/17), and ends on 4/27.
Envelope #2: Juno, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes. Starts today (1/18), has two peaks (2/6 and 4/18), and ends on 5/7.
Another Envelope that includes Juno peaks on 1/21.

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Wedge Sparks Breakthrough Thinking
You can enjoy breakthrough thinking and sharper metal acuity, thanks to a Wedge that starts today (1/18), peaks on 1/23, and ends on 1/28. This aspect pattern includes Mercury, Mars, and Uranus.
With Mercury in Capricorn, your thinking can be focused and productive. Mars in Cancer can stimulate your thoughts and fire up your emotional engagement. Finally, Uranus can help you think outside the box and electrify this entire process.
You don’t have to keep all this energy internalized. This Wedge can also help you broadcast your message with authority, passion, and excitement!
Venus Conjunct Saturn
Crystallized creativity, already supported by yesterday’s sextile with Neptune and the Capricorn Sun, gets additional support from today’s Venus-Saturn conjunction (16°5′ Pisces). Buddy up with your muse and manifest your artistry!
This aspect could bring relationship challenge, but can also help you build a stronger relational foundation. You might be especially inspired to focus on relationships that are productive and practical.
This is also a good time to think creatively about your finances. Be sure to exercise careful due diligence before committing your funds.
1/19 (Sun)
Sun Enters Aquarius
The Sun enters Aquarius at 3 pm EST, highlighting the most eccentric astrology archetype for the next month. For more on Aquarius, see my 1/29 Aquarius New Moon forecast.
1/21 (Tue)
Juno-Focused Envelope #1 Peaks
The Envelope that includes Mars, Juno, Uranus, Neptune, and the Lunar Nodes peaks today (1/21). It started on 1/11 and ends on 2/1.
To learn more about it, as well as two more overlapping aspect patterns with Juno, click here.
Sun Conjunct Pluto
I interpret today’s Sun-Pluto conjunction (1°42′ Aquarius) as part of my 1/29 New Moon forecast. To understand this conjunction in that larger context, click here.
1/23 (Thu)
Wedge Peaks
The Mercury-Mars-Saturn Wedge that can supercharge your thinking and communication peaks today (1/23). It started on 1/18 and it ends on 1/28.
The three aspects within the Wedge are all exact today:
- Mars sextile Uranus (23°16′ Cancer-Taurus) at 10:08 am EST.
- Mercury opposite Mars (23°11′ Capricorn-Cancer) at 3:49 pm EST.
- Mercury trine Uranus (23°16′ Capricorn-Taurus) at 5:07 pm EST

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1/25 (Sat)
Venus Trine Mars
You could enjoy more relationship harmony and inspired creativity, thanks to a Venus-Mars trine. Venus in Pisces can help you experience the divine essence of those you’re relating with. For artists, Venus in Pisces can boost inspired creativity.
In both situations, Mars in Cancer can enhance the potency of your emotional experience!
1/26 (Sun)
Grand Sextile Peaks
The Grand Sextile with Mars, Juno, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes started on 1/18 and has its first peak today (1/26). It will peak again on 3/26 and 4/17, and will end on 4/27.
Mercury Sextile Neptune
Mercury, already empowered by its Wedge with Mars and Uranus, adds a Mercury-Neptune sextile (27°49′ Capricorn-Pisces) today.
This opens your mind to both flavors of intuition. Uranus’ intuitive hits come as sudden insights. Neptune’s intuition is more like a flowing waterfall. The consistency of the flow depends on how open your divine channel is.
The sextile is also great for Law of Attraction work. Neptune represents visualization, while Mercury in Capricorn supports focused thought manifesting into physical reality!
Venus Sextile Uranus
You can make quantum leaps in your relationships, creativity, and finances with Venus sextile Uranus (23°16′ Pisces-Taurus).
This sextile is also good for Law of Attraction work. Venus in Pisces is great for creative imagination, while Uranus in Taurus can bring concrete manifestation quickly!
1/29 (Wed)
Aquarius New Moon
A New Moon lines up at 7:36 am EST (9°51′ Aquarius).
Any Aquarius New Moon is great for new beginnings in internally accepting what’s unusual about you, then sharing that uniqueness with the world as appropriate.
How can you be more attentive to your intuitive hits, then confidently act on their infallible guidance? And how can you serve others using your special abilities you most love to use?
Are you called to connect more with your like-minded acquaintances, be an advocate for social justice, or work for the highest good of the collective?
This New Moon has a variety of aspects. The tightest one is a square with Vesta, calling you to put new energy into selfless support for worthy causes.
There are two tight relational aspects: a Venus semi-square and a Juno quintile.
Juno’s quintile can help you put extra sparkle into committed partnerships, while her placement in Scorpio can help you connect deeply and honestly.
Venus in Pisces can help you connect with others’ divine essence, while her semi-square might create some friction to show you where relational healing would be helpful.
The luminaries’ loose conjunction with Aquarian Mercury can help you think outside the box and shake up how you relate with others. Their loose conjunction with Aquarian Pluto can help you dive into rapid, potent transformation and shadow work.
With Aquarian Pluto and Mercury so close together, you can communicate with enhanced brilliance and persuasiveness.
Your communication can also be uplifting and inspiring, thanks to a tight trine from Jupiter in Gemini. This harmonious aspect can also help you move forward with hope, inspiration, and joy!
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A man who had for a time become the embodiment of an ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not this ideal.”
To be human is to fall short from time to time. Striving for perfection can be inspiring and motivating, as long as you realize it can never be achieved.
When you realize you’ve fallen short of an ideal, remember my favorite Stoic saying: “The obstacle is the way.”
Is the challenge you’re facing internal, external, or both? What can you do to master it? Once you do, you may very well rise to a level of achievement far beyond what you had previously attained!

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“Smart Healing” T-Square Peaks
A T-Square, which invites you to accomplish trauma healing by working smart instead of hard, peaks today (1/29). It started on 1/13 and ends on 2/11. It includes Mars, Pallas Athena, and Chiron.
Trauma healing is represented by Chiron, the wounded healer. Pallas Athena, mistress of clever strategies, encourages you to heal your emotional wounds once and for all with a quick and effective method. (My free Healing Invocation has helped thousands do this, by delegating the healing to their higher self.)
Finally, Mars in Cancer can catalyze your painful emotions, then help motivate you to heal them.
Are you embodying the Chiron role of healer or wisdom giver? This T-Square can help you “work smart” and take your service to the next level!
Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Today’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction (1°58′ Aquarius) is part of today’s New Moon, and is interpreted within that larger context there.
1/30 (Thu)
Uranus Turns Direct
Uranus turns direct today at 11:22 am EST (23°15′ Taurus). He’s been retrograde for five months, since 9/1 (27°15′ Taurus).
This is a great time to consciously embody Uranian themes.
How completely are you embracing what’s unique or different about yourself? And how avidly are you sharing those special gifts and talents with the world? Is it more important to avoid possible criticism from those who don’t understand you, or to put yourself out there so you can reach those you’re here to serve?
Uranus rules intuitive hits. When you get those “gut feelings,” do you follow or ignore them?
I’ve asked hundreds of my clients about this. They all say their lives go better when they follow these sparks of inspiration from their inner wisdom. How about you?
Are you working for the greater good, at least for your kindred spirits? And is your service aligned with those special gifts and talents you most love to use?
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Sun Trine Jupiter
January closes with an uplifting Sun-Jupiter trine (11°18′ Aquarius-Gemini). This can help you feel more positive and upbeat.
You can also engage more easily and smoothly with higher learning or teaching, foreign cultures, and the meaning of life. Take time to have fun and celebrate!
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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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